Around 29% of the Palestinians were Poor in 2017
29.2% of the Palestinians were living below the poverty line in 2017; that means their household consumption was below the poverty line. The poverty line for household of 5 members (2 adults and 3 children) was 2,470 NIS, and 16.8% of the Palestinians suffered deep poverty in 2017, and the deep poverty line was 1,974 NIS.
More than Half of the Population were Poor in the Gaza Strip in 2017
The percentage of poverty was 13.9% in the West Bank, while in the Gaza Strip it was 53.0%, which means the poverty rate in the Gaza Strip was four times higher than the poverty rate in the West Bank. 5.8% of individuals were below the deep poverty line in the West Bank and 33.8% of individuals in Gaza Strip, so the deep poverty percentage in Gaza Strip was six times higher than the West Bank.